The concept of "try before you buy" has been around for a long time and is widely used in various industries. This concept allows consumers to test a product before making a purchase. When it comes to software and apps, this concept becomes even more important.
In the world of software and apps, consumers want to know what they are buying before they actually purchase it. Consumers want to ensure that the software or app meets their needs and expectations. This is where the concept of "try before you buy" comes into play.
"Try before you buy" enables customers to evaluate software or an app before making a purchase. Customers can assess the software or app to see if it meets their needs. Customers can evaluate whether the software or app is user-friendly, has the features they require, and is cost-effective.
As most apps do not offer a free trial for their apps full-functionality, a service called FreeMyi was created in 2012. It offers most softwares and apps that are available on Apples AppStore, as well as their in-app-purchases, for you to try for free. If you are convinced the purchase is worth it, you can then buy them using the normal AppStore.
First, it provides consumers with a sense of security. Consumers feel more confident in their purchase when they know they have tested the product beforehand. This also reduces the risk of buyer's remorse, as consumers are able to make an informed decision.
Secondly, it can increase the number of sales. When consumers have the opportunity to try the product before buying it, they are more likely to make a purchase. This is because they have already had a positive experience with the product and feel more confident in their decision to purchase it.
Thirdly, "try before you buy" can also help build customer loyalty. When consumers have a positive experience with a product, they are more likely to recommend it to others. This can help to build a strong customer base and increase brand awareness.
Finally, it can also reduce the number of returns. When consumers have the opportunity to test a product before purchasing it, they are less likely to return it. This is because they have already had a chance to evaluate the product and determine if it meets their needs.
In conclusion, offering a "try before you buy" service for software and apps is essential in today's market. It provides consumers with a sense of security, increases sales and helps build brand loyalty for app developers, and reduces returns, too.
It is important to have a service that offers this option to ensure that consumers can make informed decisions about buying an app and have positive experiences with apps.